The name of the organization is the apostolic clergy network international (A.C.N.I), and have secretariat to be in charge of all our records
Our motto is; Serving God and Humanity
Apostolic Clergy Network international is a registered organization with registration number CG00342018 and with tin numbers P0010072861 and P001007287 respectively.
Apostolic Clergy Network International (ACNI) is affiliated to the International Ministerial Council of Arizona (IMCA), Phoenix in the USA, presided over by Bishop Dr. Eric Osei Minta who also is the president and presiding international Apostle of the Apostolic Clergy Network international (ACNI)
- To propagate the gospel
- To be an integral partner in the body of Christ
- To love and serve God, God’s people, and God’s creation
- To ordain and license ministers of God to do God’s work
- To bring ministers and Churches together to equip them for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
- To give support to one another (According to article 10, section 4 of our Constitution)
- To advance Christian education
- To connect with Christian bodies worldwide to promote God’s Kingdom
- To give recognition and authority for its member church and Ministers
- To support missions
The network is a charitable, international, inter-cultural, interracial and inclusive fellowship of churches and ministry centers which seek to realize Christian unity in local, national and world relations. The network seeks fellowship, mutual support, and common ministries that reflect the unity of all who see themselves with the Christian tradition.
The network is at its heart relationships among individuals, churches and centers in the service of our common purpose and mission. Through the network local churches and ministry centers find it possible to find and develop connection with the wider body of Christ. In Mutual Encouragement and resourcing through the network, local ministries are strengthened.