Like the Christian Council of Ghana, the Pentecostal and Charismatic Council of Ghana and the likes, the Apostolic Clergy Network international was formed with the aim of bringing together under one umbrella all the independent, small and so called “One Man Churches”. It is for a fact that Most of these Churches have come to Corrupt, and dupe people, to make Money and the Likes. Some have brought disgrace to the body of Christ by their doings, and today, many don’t even want to hear the names of these Churches.
That notwithstanding, it will also interest you to know that despite the bad nuts among them, there are also some genuine ones who are doing genuine work for God’s kingdom. It is therefore the aim of this network to gather all these churches and ministers together to groom them in order to reduce the shame brought to Christianity.
Many Individuals, Companies and Philanthropists love to sponsor social and other activities which does not bring any increase or benefits to God’s kingdom rather than supporting or investing in the kingdom business because most of the churches have failed Christianity, But thank God for the Apostolic Clergy Network International for the work that it has come to do in these end-times!